by Truthspeaker
In researching the NAR and the Latter Rain we find many disturbing things and false doctrines (doctrines of demons) that have infiltrated the Church.
Let me start with Freemasonry and its impact on Christianity….. and I am only scratching the surface here!)
IHOP’s connection to Harry Truman - A 33rd degree Freemason whose portrait is hanging in the Scottish Rite Temple in Washington DC.
프리메이슨 의장을 한 해리 트루만 대통령의 초상
“In May of 1983 the Metro Vineyard conducted a 21-day fast. During that period of prayer and fasting Bob Jones– a prophetic speaker from Arkansas not affiliated with Bob Jones University- revealed to Bickle that he would some day begin a 24-7 prayer ministry that would be li
IHOP purchased President Truman’s portion of his family’s farm-the 125 acres across from Truman Corners Shopping Center-from the Goldberg family 50 years to the day that the Goldbergs purchased it from Truman himself………There is another connection between the group’s mission and Truman. The birth of the modern state of Israel has been seen by many Christians as a sign that the End Times foretold in the sc
Is IHOP tapping into a freemasonic spirit by aligning itself with Harry Truman? One article I read said that Harry Truman only agreed to support the modern state of Israel because they gave him 2 million dollars and he needed money for his campaign.
“In his book “Jewish Religion – Jewish History” Israel Shahak records that Harry Truman had been abandoned by everyone when he came to run for President. Then an American Zionist brought Truman $2 million dollars in cash in a suitcase aboard his whistle-stop campaign train.
“That’s why our recognition of Israel was rushed through so fast” John F Kennedy had remarked to Gore Vidal. And thus occurred yet another Zionist event in the corruption of American politicians.”
Here is Mike Bickle telling the story in his own words:
Someone told me recently that a friend of theirs was in the prayer room at IHOP and saw a jot of people with masonic rings there at that time. This person told me that they have confirm!ed that the late John Wimber the founder of the Vineyard was a freemason. (he called the lodge and they confirm!ed it indirectly by saying “we can’t give out information on our MEMBERS!)
Dave Clausen who was with Grace Fellowship from the time of that 21 day fast until May 200 states in his testimony (found here)
“……they (Bickle and the KC “prophets”) became the major reintroducers and popularizers of Latter Rain Manifested Sonship and Restoration/Dominion ideas back into the Church world whether they or anyone else understand what that means or not. As a result they over time actually became part of a wide-spread and majority network of false prophets in the Body of Christ that continues to this hour.”
John Wimber was highly connected to Mike Bickle in the early days of the Kansas City Fellowship and it was a Vineyard Church at that time. John Wimber taught at Fuller Institute with C. Peter Wagner and has greatly influenced the likes of Bill Johnson and Mike Bickle. The Toronto Airport Fellowship was also a Vineyard church when the signs and wonders movement broke out there in the 1990’s.
One of Wimbers mentors was Robert Schuller (also a freemason ) of the “positive confession” who has also had a great influence on emerging church members ….. see this
Wimber was also connected to Bill McCartney of the Promise Keepers:
“Because of his Latter-Rain beliefs Paul Cain was received in 1987 as a great leader by Mike Bickle Bob Jones and the others in the Kansas-City leadership…at about the same time that John Wimber founder of Vineyard was connecting with them. Then Cain prophesied that stadiums the world over would be filled with Christians en route to building “Joel’s Army” and wouldn’t you know it that almost suddenly Bill McCartney from the Vineyard church in Boulder Colorado started preaching to stadiums filled with Christian men en route to building Promise Keepers!!! Clearly the agenda to fill stadiums came before the prophecy and the prophecy was then uttered expressly to initiate the agenda. It was uttered again in 2001 to reinforce the agenda.
You can deduce the world-conquest mission of Promise Keepers in that its leadership has gone to bed with the Vatican. Moreover PK officials have in the past invited members of Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam to participate in their rallies (what kind of Christians could they be???). ecumenism is the word here! PK is not interested in shepherding the people of God into the Way of Jesus Christ therefore but is gathering and bonding as many men together as possible regardless of their doctrinal positions. “
Here’s a picture of the back of a man’s tee shirt from the first Promise Keeper’s meeting on the great lawn in DC.
Notice the direct li
Bickle was also (and still is in some cases) closely related to Paul Cain and Rick Joyner who were both initiated into the Knights of Malta (see testimony here). Paul Cain has since been disgraced for sexual sin and has now been “restored”. The Knights of Malta is an off shoot of Freemasonry and is part of the military arm of the Catholic Church. (See my other blog post about the Knights of Malta and Todd Bentley’s commissioning service. This was attended by Peter Wagner Bill Johnson Rick Joyner John Arnott and others: )
Other associates of Bickle are Bob Jones (also exposed for sexaul sin) Bobby Conner John Paul Jackson and Jack Deere and Todd Bentley who led the Lakeland “Revival” and committed adultery and got re-married to his nanny.
It is important to understand that one of the big goals of this movement is ecumenicism. According to one of my contacts who was close to Mike Bickle in the early days Mike is very eccumenical and friendly toward Catholics and he tells me that IHOP has become more and more monastic. Mike Bickle also teaches contemplative prayer and sells 32 books on that subject in the Forerunner bookstore. Many of these books are written by the ancient catholic mystics.
The li
” The strategy of many groups such as Freemasonry the Illuminati para-church organizations such as Promise Keepers is to unite men spiritually. Freemasonry the Illuminati and similar groups make it necessary for men to go through rituals and ceremonies to unite as “brothers” and to grow closer to whichever “Supreme Being” they believed in. This is supposed to lead to healing between religions races and families. Some believe world peace and the one-world religion and government will be the final result. Rallying cries’ of many of the religious right and leadership including Promise Keepers are family peace morality rights and next to that patriotism.
The Cabala Gnostics and Freemasons are all working towards the same goal of unification of their thoughts and beliefs with those of Christianity. J.M. Ragon a freemason made the following statement in regards to the issue of Christianity and the occult:
“the Cabala is the key to the occult sciences. The Gnostics were born of the cabalists..(2) “… The result of Gnosticism was thus not to christianize the cabala but to cabalize Christianity by mingling pure and simple teaching with theosophy and even magic. (3)”…The central doctrine of Gnosticism– a movement connected with Jewish mysticism–was nothing else than an attempt to liberate the soul and unite it with God”; … “through the employment of mysteries incantations names of angels” etc.
”….the role of the Gnostics was to reduce perversion to a system by binding men together into sects working under the guise of enlightenment in order to obscure all recognized ideas of morality and religion. It is this which constitutes their importance in the history of secret societies.” (4)”
Constance Combey also notes on her blog “What Constance Thinks”:
“I’ve been reading Alice Bailey’s From Bethlehem to Calvary in an attempt to find references to the Manifest Sons of God heresy permeating charismania in order to refute it in an article. Interestingly I found this quote on page 20 of the paperback:
“Christianity will not be superseded. It will be transcended its work of preparation being triumphantly accomplished and Christ will again give us the next revelation of divinity.
“I find this interesting in bright of IHOP’s Mike Bickle’s ‘prophetic word’ while in Egypt in 1983 “The face of Christianity will change in one generation.”
A friend of mine has done 10 years of research on the NAR and the NOLR and found the esoteric roots connecting these movememts to the Kabbalah and theosophy. The kabbalah teaches that the goddess Sophia is actually the Holy Spirit and is the shekinah (which is a feminine noun in Hebrew) and she is God’s wife! See info here (this is an esoteric site: )
And this site
which mentions Jacob Boehme who was the German Kabbalist / Theosophist whose writings were translated to English and who influenced Jane Leade (an English mystic/ christian) the Philidelphia Society and also George Fox of the Quakers. (Interesting to note that John Wimber started out his ministry in the Quakers). The Latter Rain ba
Ultimately Sophia is just a more modern form of the Queen of Heaven having come out of the Greek pantheon.
“There are several female Deities that can lay claim to the title Christian goddess. Mary the Mother of Jesus/Yeshua first comes to mind. There is Mary Magdalene the “Goddess in the Gospels” the Church refused to acknowledge as the wife of Yeshua and probably co-Messiah. “Mary” is a Greek pronunciation of the Hebrew name Miriam or Miriamne. There are many theories about this name such as Mary might not even be a name but a title meaning Priestess of Goddess.
So the bottom twine is that what we have going on today in many so called Christian circles is NOT true Biblical Christianity but a mixture of ancient kabbalistic teachings mingled with Christian doctrine. The whole signs and wonders camp is filled with this …… it’s a virus that has been resurrected from the past and repackaged as something new.
Many theologians and scholars believe the Holy Spirit written as Pneuma in Greek everytime it appears in the New Testament is a feminine being. Note that Pneuma is a neuter word in Greek but in Hebrew the word Ruah (Spirit) and in Aramaic the word Shekinah (Presence) are feminine words and imply a feminine divine presence. The Holy Spirit is possibly a Christian Goddess not a mysterious invisible member of an all-male Trinity “club.” Or more provocatively maybe there is a Feminine Trinity of God-the-Mother (Sophia and Mary?) God-the-Daughter (Mary Magdalene) and Goddess-the-Spirit-Presence (Shekinah Ruah). The Holy Spirit appears at Yeshua’s baptism in the form of a dove. The dove has long been a symbol of the Goddess in the Ancient Near East and was never used to symbolize any male Being or God.”
Interestingly Paul Keith Davis’ ministry is called “White Dove“. Davis is a close associate of Bob Jones and says this on his web site:
“WhiteDove Ministries was founded August 11 1995 by Paul Keith and Wanda Davis. At the beginning of 1995 Bob Jones had prophesied that dual storms were going to strike the U.S. with prophetic significance. Although he had seen the two distinct major storms he was unclear as to the location of their landfall. During the latter part of that year during late July and early August we were hosting a prophetic roundtable meeting at our home in Orange Beach AL approximately 18 miles west of Pensacola. Several respected prophetic voices were in attendance including Bob Jones Bobby Conner Rick Joyner and others. Our meeting was interrupted by a hurricane that entered the Gulf of Mexico. Hurricane Erin came ashore on August 3 1995 with the eye passing directly over our home. Following Erin hurricane Opal also struck the same area in October 1995 fulfilling the prophetic revelation of dual storms highlighting a corporate season of significant spiritual emphasis.
Eight days after Erin on August 11 a beautiful white dove landed on our balcony. Uniquely it remained although it was apparent that it was not domesticated. We clearly heard the Lord speaking to us involving this sign as an indication of the “Dove Company” who will emerge in this generation possessing hearts desperate for intimacy with Jesus. The Holy Spirit will come and remain upon this body of believers as they find their rest in Him and He finds His rest in them.”
This connection to wisdom/sophia is what is behind contemplative prayer (connecting to the god within!) and the whole bridal paradigm of IHOP and Mike Bickle…… “passion for Jesus” and being married to Jesus intimacy with Jesus (hieros gamos the sacred marriage to the divine) ….. bringing the practicioner into a state of “ecstacy with God” (ie; the likes of John Crowder of the “new”106 mystics)…. It’s a sick and convoluted interpretation of the truth. This is what Mike Bickle and friends are really promoting…. a false gospel and a false Jesus.
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