G-20를 간단히 설명하자면,20개 나라의 정치 거물급이 매년마다 모여 , 경제문제를 논의 하자는 취지아래 모이는데,한국에서 요번 11월달에 모인다고 한다.
취지는 진짜 멋져 보인다. 저들은 매년마다 모여 도대체 무슨 회의를 하는지! 경제가 나아지기는 커녕!
2009년, 미국 펜실베니아에서, 미국 대통령 오바마를 위시해서,세계 정상급 나라의 거물들이 모여서 경제회의를 가졋다.
이날 펜실베니아에선 엄청난 시위가 열렷다. 군인까지 총동원. 한국에서도 이날 비상계엄을 실시할거라고 한다.
이말은 G-20를 방해하는 시위를 할경우, 비상계엄실시( 군인들을 동원시키겟다는말)
자 그렇다면, 미국에선 그날 어떤일이 일어낫나?
G-20가 열리는날, 미국 펜실베니아에선, 전국적으로 수많은 시위가 일어낫다, 전국 대학생 시위를 시작으로 , 시민들이 총동원되엇던, 엄청난 시위가 열렷다고 한다. 경제악화로 힘들어진 시민들과 학생들이 함께 뭉쳐 전국적으로 G-20 반대 시위등, 저들은 매년마다 모여 경제 회의를 하는데, 도대체 뭘 해대는지, 경제가 나아지는것은 고사하고, 뭔짓들을 꾸미는지!
그날, 시위를 지켜보앗던 시민들왈, 펜실베니아에 그처럼 많은 경찰들을 본적이 없다고 한다. 사방팔방 경찰들을 풀어놓고, 모든 시위를 막고 잇엇던 경찰, 어떤 시민왈, 말로만 듣던 경찰국가, 이날 뼈저리게 느꼇다고 한다.
펜실베니아에 그리 많은 경찰들이 과연 존재할까? 어느 기사에 의하면, 미국내에 잇는 전국 경찰들이 모조리 펜실베니아로 직행햇다고 한다.
그뿐만이 아니엇다, 동영상을 자세히 보면, 군인까지 총출동해서 시위에 참석한 어린 학생들을 차로 실어, 사라져 버렷다.
군인들이 시민들을 통제할수 잇도록 권한을 부여할수 잇는 통과법이 이미 작년에 효력을 발휘, 이것을 마샬플랜이라고 한다.
말이 경제회의지,혹 저들은 경제를 망치는데 한몫하는 사람들은 아닌지? 우린 의심의 눈초리로 저들을 모두 지켜보아야 한다.
말이 경제회의지, 저들은 모두 글로벌 경제를 외치는자들 아니던가? 이말은 세계정부를 꿈꾸며,주구장창 세계정부를 외치는 자들
세계도 하나, 경제도 하나, 종교도 하나를 부르짓는 세계정부, 오바마 프리메이슨 32도, 말이 경제회의네 어쩌네 하는데, 이모임은 차라리 프리메이슨 모임이라고 바꾸는게 좋을듯 싶다,
의문점은 매년마다 정상급들이 모인다는것, 매년마다 모여 경제회의 하는데 경찰들이 총동원 그리고 군인까지 총출동/비상계엄
시민들은 G-20를 원치 않는데 굿이 하는이유는?
의문 투성이 모임 G-20
결국은 NEW WORLD ORDER(세계정부수립)을 위해 달려가는 글로벌 거물급들이 아니던가?
세계정부수립에 앞장서는 이들은 결국은 비밀리에 모이는 쥐새끼들이 아니던가?/비밀단체/그림자 정부
결국은 한국도 세계정부 수립에 앞장서는 나라중의 하나가 아니던가?
윗 동영상은 언론에 나오지 못햇던. 언론도 쥐새끼들이 통제하고 잇으니, 나올턱이 없지 않는가?
오바마가 프리메이슨 32도라고 알려졋는데, 시민들에게 알릴리가 없지 않겟는가?
귀가 막혀, 눈이 막혀, 실제 많은 시민들은 G-20가 무엇인지, 마샬(MARTIAL LAW)이 무엇인지, 그림자 정부가 비밀리에 무엇을 하는지
프리메이슨이 무엇을 하고 잇는지, 대부분 많은 사실을 알지 못하며, 우리가 알고 잇는 사실도 빙산에 일각이라고 한다.
G-20 한국에서 열릴날도 머지 않앗다.
요번엔 왜 한국을 선택햇는지! 무엇을 논의할지! 진짜 꿍꿍이는? 무슨 의도인가?
============================================================================================================= The New World Order III: Masons Permeate the World For Luciferian One-World Religion and Government…August 23, 2009 · 5 CommentsThe New World Order III: Masons Permeate the World For Luciferian One-World Religion and Government
Posted by Anders under English, Euromed
Abstract: Freemasonry´s aim is the destruction of Christianity, for it is Luciferian – so says its guru, Albert Pike – and to build a one-world religion and a one- world state. The politics and administrations of the EU, the US as well as of the churches are severely influenced by masonry. A hidden side of masonry is practicing homosexuality. They more than indicate that the present glorification of homosexual culture, the criticism of which is being made punishable by anti-discriminatory legislation, as well as the ongoing Muslim immigration are the work of masonry. The masons are the grass roots of the New World Order, being represented diffusely in our societies.EU CommissionerJosé Barroso, often speaks of the New World/Global Order – see e.g. the uppermost video in the right margin of this blog – and is here making occult hand signs.
I have previously written about the influence of masonry on the EU. Here is more about their role in globalism – a secret, subversive, treacherous and diabolical task. Involved are morals and social dismantling of Christianity as well as the culture that for 2000 years evolved from it – through i.a. Muslim immigration and homosexuality. The freemasons are the strongest tool of the illuminists to implement the plans for world governance made by the superior organisations (The Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, The Bilderbergers, The Club of Rome), as the freemasons have infiltrated all societies. Here is how you sell your soul to Lucifer through his faithful servants, the masons Oaths of the Blue Degrees (1st three degrees). Video 1. Mr. John Salza entered masonry as an opportunity for his career. At his initiation, he was stripped of all his clothes, his wedding ring and his crucifix. He was blindfolded, symbolizing that in his Christian life he had been wandering in the dark – until receiving the light of the lodge. He was painfully stung in the chest – to remind him of what worse awaited him, should he betray the secrets of free masonry. Non-masons are considered profanes, from which the mason has to separate himself. Atheists cannot be admitted. You have to believe in “a god” – no matter if he is Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu or whatever. Their god is “The great architect of the Universe”. They believe all religions are equal and maintain that their (deistic, gnostic) god has not revealed himself. This already explains why Christianity is incompatible with free masonry – said to be derived from the “father of lies”. Video 3. What about freemasonry among politicians? “There is a strong network of Masons at work in the European Parliament, which has been accused of helping members to conceal corrupt dealings, and here, and here as well as here.” Paris 11 April 2008: La Fédération française du Droit Humain represented by its president, Mons. Michel Payen, was received on april 8, 2008, by the President of the European Commission, Mons. José-Manuel Barroso, in a delegation consisting of the Grande Loge Féminine de France, the Grand Orient du Portugal and the Grand Orient de France. It is the first time that the French Masonry has been able to express itself to a so high-ranking European. The delegation received Mr. Barrosos assurance of attachment to the freedom of conscience, to the spirit of secularism and the principle of separation of religion from the state. The delegation valued the import!ance of the “Enlightened” (latin illuminati – nowadays illuminists – to whom the EU has declared to belong – here, explanatory part) in the history of Europe as much as the religious roots and certainly more affiliated to its antique roots. On 26 June, 2009, masons from France, Belgium, Italy, Spain and Greece met with Mr. Barroso and the President of the EU Parliament, Mr. Pöttering, to exert pressure as for more liberal immigration, Islam, secularism, and combating discriminnation against sexual orientation (see homosexuality below).
Left: Pope Paul VI to speak before the UN – as did Pope Benedict in 2008 교황이 유엔 연설자– where he blessed the illuminist, 교황이 유엔 국기에 축복의 기도satanist UN Flag (Right). Benedict XVI does not excommunicate clearly heretical cardinals, bishops, catholic politicians and other highly offensive catholic public figures. He seems fallen in the name of New World Order peace. He even wants the UN to be a world authority to govern global finances and economy, universally accepted, regulated by (New World Order) law The campaign exploded with the arrival of John XXIII …One had the impression of there really being an international campaign, methodically orchestrated… Father Esposito was engaged in dialogue with Masonry. In reality, the “agreements” in question didn’t exist between the Church and Masonry, but only between the latter and John XIII, Paul VI, and John Paul II. He cited the relations of associations of leaders who… had been founded or willed by Masonry, that is to say the Society of Nations (UN), with its universal Declaration of the Rights of Man; the Red Cross, Scoutism and the Rotary Club. Pope Paul VI (video) postulated in accordance with masonic teaching that all religions are equal. He arranged the horrible 2. Vatican Concile and the New Catholic Cathechism, the art. 841 of which goes: “The Church’s relationship with the Muslims. The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place amongst whom are the Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind’s judge on the last day.
프리메이슨들만이 하는 손사인이 잇읍니다.(사탄 /루시퍼 상징), 교황도 같은 사인을 보내고 잇군요. 교황도 프리메이슨인가?
윗 기사에 의하면, 교황,유엔,프리메이슨 세계정부 수립에 함께하고 잇다고 말하고 잇다. 윗 사진을 보니,교황의 엄청난 정치적 힘(POWER). 그 힘은 어디서 오는가?
윗기사는 또한 말하기를 프리메이슨은 사탄(루시퍼)숭상
이들은 뉴월드 오덜(세계정부 수립 지향) 만들기 위해 혈안이 되어 잇다. 교황이 유엔에서 연설까지 할 정도로 , 교황과 캐돌릭의 엄청난 힘을 아시나요?
알아도 말할수 없는 세상에 우리는 살고 잇읍니다.
여러분, 진짜 숨어 잇는 거물의 실체를 파악을 하셧는지요!
G-20는 분명히 경제회의 , 그러나 실제 누구를 위해서 종을 울리고 잇는지? 경제회의를 주관햇던 거물들의 평소 연설을 들어보아도 , 평소에 세계 정부수립에 앞장서는 자들 이엇읍니다, 이들은 절대 경제생각하고, 국민들 진정으로 생각해주는 사람들이 아님을
알수 잇읍니다, 동영상에 그의 연설에서 나오지 않읍니까?
미래가 참으로 어둡읍니다,
The 12 masonic signs of recognition
The 12 signs that I will present in this post are based on this German book: "Freimaurersignale in der Presse" or freemasonic signals in the press.(This book and Richardson's monitor of freemasonry can be downloaded on peer to peer like emule or you can also buy them online from a number of sources) Don't believe me when I say that pointing the index is a masonic sign? Here are pictures from an old training manual used by freemasons, "Richardson's monitor of freemasonry". The bottom right drawing is taken from "Scotch Rite Masonry Illustrated Part 2" page 26
Here are four photos that are obvious intentional poses. Otherwise how could the photographer frame the camera to capture the index finger just at the edge like that? Pointing the finger away from the body is known in occult circles as "the sign of faith", while pointing upward is the "sign of preservation".
Obama holding a pose for the camera. Look at the frozen expression! on his face and how the words "to lead" are nicely included. Also notice how his pointing finger is perfectly framed. This is again the masonic sign of faith. Lately however, the medias seems to have pulled the plug on him and he is not pictured anymore doing such commanding gestures.
The sign of the pyramid. The triangle being so important a symbol to freemasons, it is perfectly natural that they would make triangles with their hands. Pictured: Stephen Harper, Michelle Obama in an obvious scripted pose with that "halo" around her head, CIA war criminal Hayden and Lybia's Gaddafi during his dec. 2007 visit to France. Notice the blatant way Gaddafi does the pyramid sign while he is standing and looking directly at the photographers present.
Bush, Ron Paul, Putin and Chavez. This is the occult "Sign of Praise" or sign of admiration (see Richardson's monitor of freemasonry p.62), one of the most commonly used masonic/occult signal. The gesture looks like someone is holding an invisible ball. An ancient religious sign that is still used today by different religions but it is also used by freemasons as a sign of recognition.
France's Sarkozy doing the masonic ok sign. Why is this gesture considered so important that it has to be published so often?
The sign of the fist is not just used by communists. Here is Richard Nixon, Michael Hayden, Ted Turner and Pervez Musharraf
The masonic handshake: the thumb has to press the knuckle. Above is the "pope" Ratzinger. It is an open secret that this man is a freemason. Some French freemasons even wrote an open letter exposing him. Below left is the current chinese premier, Wen Jiabao, dubbed by the medias as "the people's premier". China and Iran are also run by freemasonry and the current "rift" with the USA is nothing but theater. Bottom right is Chirac with BRD chancellor Merkel. On the basis of this handshake one can recognize, in which freemasonic degrees the interlocutors are.
The heart sign or sign of fidelity. No, this gesture was not made because a national anthem was being played because this man is Quebec's former separatist leader, André Boisclair, and Quebec has no national antem of any sort. The first picture was made when he was defending a political ally under media pressure and the second was made on election night 2007 when he expressed gratitude toward his supporters after some rather devastating electoral results for his party. The bottom picture is also from election night but taken by a different photographer...
This is the "eyes looking up" masonic code. This is an imitation of Jesus on the cross as he was often portrayed in religious art with his eyes looking up to his Father (see pictures at bottom). First picture: notice how Castro is the only one looking up and also notice that his left hand is pointing downward. Top right: This man is the chairman of the (so called) Bank of Canada, David Dodge. The caption below the photo from nov. 2007 hinted that the Bank of Canada "would probably" lower it's interest rates in december (and indeed, the rates were later lowered as "predicted"). Notice how he is barely able to keep a straight face while doing his little shifty masonic signal.. The last photo shows former Quebec premier Lucien Bouchard in sept. 2007 while defending his brother who was embroiled in a minor political controversy. It is rare to see the eyes looking up code used alone. Usualy, it is used in combination with one of the other codes discussed here.
China's Hu Jintao and US ambassador John Bolton doing the masonic eyeglass grasp sign. Why would so many different pro photographers find such a banale gesture so important? Try photographing your relatives doing this. You would have to wait all day for something that last only a fraction of a second, think about it... The hand on the necktie (sign of distress). Israel Prime Minister Ehud Olmert made this gesture on 30 january 2007 after a rather devastating report was published about the disastrous 2006 war in Lebanon
Hand on the neck (distress signal) Obama did this gesture after the "Hillary-India memo" controversy. http://asapblogs.typepad.com/news/2007/06/oops_that_was_a.html
윗 기사의 내용은 이렇읍니다. 프리메이슨들의 독특한 동작과 손사인이 잇다고 합니다. 윗 사진에 거론된 인물의 손동작이 계속 번복되고 잇는데, 프리메이슨 손사인과 일치 되고 잇다고 말해주고 잇읍니다. 중국 수상의 이름도 위에 거론
참고로 작년 펜실베니아에 중국 수상, HU JINTAO가 G-20에 참석햇엇다는 사실을 아십니까?
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