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[스크랩] 왜 알파코스는 진화론을 지지하는가 ?

by 디클레어 2010. 1. 20.

알파코스는 진화론을 지지하는가 ?

‘Alpha’–a misnomer!

by Ken Ham, President, AiG-US

As you may know, alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet. It is used in the Bible to denote ‘beginning,’ as it is in Revelation 1:8: ‘I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord….’

‘Alpha’ is also the name given to a Bible study program that is sweeping the world, developed by a church in England.

Ideal for use in classroom or Bible study!

The "Answers with Ken Ham" seminar series  Available in Video and DVD!

Listen  as Ken reveals the vision behind the release of this powerful new video series.


Highly endorsed by such Christian leaders as Billy Graham, evangelist Luis Palau, the late John Wimber (of the Vineyard church), J. I. Packer (Regent College), Loren Cunningham (YWAM), George Carey (Archbishop of Canterbury)–to name just a few–one would hope this program would teach the authority of the Word of God.

( 알파코스를 적극적으로 인준한 인사들 : 빌리그래햄, 루이스팔라우, 고인이 된 존윔버, 팩커(리젠트대학), 로렌커닝햄(예수전도단) 조지 캐리(켄터베리대주교) )

Alas, one thing the ‘Alpha’ program does not do is get the beginning correct! As is usual in most Bible study literature in today’s secularized world, ‘Alpha’ does not take a stand on Genesis 1-11 as being literal history. Thus, the approach to the Bible right from the beginning is effectively that one doesn’t have to take the words of Genesis as written, but can take man’s ideas concerning the age of the Earth, ‘big bang’ and so on and reinterpret Genesis any way one wants.

( 알파코스는 창세기 1-11을 있는 그대로 받아들이지 않고, 지구의 연령이라든가 빅뱅이론이론 같은 인간적인 생각들을 결부시켜 재해석하고 있다.)

Regardless of what else is taught in this program, the study’s approach to the beginning of the Bible undermines the entire authority of the Scriptures.

( 이 프로그램의 다른 가르침에 대해서는 차치하고라도 성경 시작에 대한 이러한 연구적 접근은 성경의 전체의 권위를 손상시키는 것이다.)

And let’s face it: ultimately the people studying this course will not be able to defend their faith adequately–will not have answers to many of the questions the world is asking–will not be able to effectively witness–and certainly will not be able to have an effect on challenging the now-pagan culture of Western nations.

In fact, look at England, the country of origin for this program. It has little, if any, vestige of Christian thought left in public life.

Sadly, Billy Graham invited the ‘Alpha’ leader, Nicky Gumbel, to address evangelists during a recent workshop at the Amsterdam evangelism conference attended by 10,000 evangelists from around the world. The more church leaders such as these will adopt the ‘Alpha’ course, the more that Christians of the world will be indoctrinated against the truth of the book of beginnings–Genesis. Instead, they will learn the following (quoted from one of the books from the ‘Alpha’ program ‘Searching Issues’ by Nicky Gumbel):

(많은 교회지도자들이 알파코스를 수용하면 할수록 세계의 크리스쳔들은 창세기의 진리에 반하는 교리에 오염되어 버릴 것이다. 대신에 그들은 다음과 같은 것들을 배우게 될 것이다. : 닉키 검불의 서칭이슈라는 알파 코스 프로그램을 위한 책자로부터 인용함 )

…sincere Christians hold many different interpretations of Genesis…

(신실한 기독교인들 사이에는  창세기에 대하여 많은 다른 해석들이 있다.. )

Some believe in a literal six-day creation…[others] point out that the Hebrew word for ‘day’ has many different meanings…

( 어떤 사람들은 글자그대로 6일 동안의 창조를 믿는 반면... 다른이는 히브리말로 ‘날’(day)은 여러 다른 의미를 갖는다.... )

The word can mean a long period of time. Therefore, it is not in conflict with the prevailing scientific view of the vast age of the universe, nor is it in conflict with a gradual evolution…

( 그 단어는 긴 기간을 의미할 수도 있다.  그렇다면 그말은 우주의 나이가 장대하다는 일반적인 과학적 견해와 상치하지 않는다. 또한 점진적인 진화의 이론과도 상충되지 않는다...)

Some add the suggestion that Genesis is about information fed in at intervals…

(혹자는 창세기가 간격을 갖고 입력된 정보라는 주장을 덧붙인다.)

They point out that this corresponds remarkably with the theory of the Big Bang…

( 이것은 빅뱅이론과 매우 맞는 말이라고 지적한다.)

In light of the uncertainty and the difference of opinions among genuine Christians, I think it is unwise to be too dogmatic about the issue…

( 창세기에 관한 신실한 기독교인들 사이의 견해들이 분분하고 모호하다는 점에서 이것에 독단적인 것은 현명하지 못하다.)

What a shame that the word ‘alpha’–used to describe Christ, the One who created everything–should be used for a program that will not accept the clear Word on beginnings.

While we would expect that critics of the Bible, like evolutionists, would oppose a literal Genesis, it is so sad to see it coming from inside the church.

( 진화론자같은 성경에 대한 비판가들이 있는그대로의 창세기를 반대하는 것은 있을 수 있지만, 교회내에서 이런 내용이 흘러나오는 것은 통탄스런 일이다.)

발췌 : http://www.answersingenesis.org/docs2001/0331us_nl.asp

출처 : 양무리마을
글쓴이 : 푸르름 원글보기
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