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[스크랩] 베니힌의 에큐메니즘적 성향

by 디클레어 2009. 12. 9.

Great deception is afoot in the church today, happening right before our very eyes. In fact, it may have already come to your church. False doctrines, a different gospel, and even doctrines of demons have been introduced into many churches via books, music, videos, teachers and movements that claim to be of God. Viewed against this background, the known facts about Benny Hinn are not only shocking but also revealing.  

Benny Hinn is a Roman Catholic mystic, who is taking the Pentecostal and Charismatic Church down the ecumenical road towards Rome. This has been known for some time. For example the Italian Assemblies of God refused to endorse his crusade in Rome (1996), sponsored by the independent Pentecostals, who themselves were shocked when Mr Hinn failed to even once open his Bible on the first night of the Crusade. On the second night the interpreter refused to interpret Hinn's favourable comments about the Pope and the Catholic Church and the music group refused to sing. The up-shot was that the organisers signed a document of "non-association" with Benny Hinn, and promised never to invite him to Italy again. Despite this he was invited as guest speaker to the Australian Assemblies of God Conference in May 1997, where once more he spoke favourably of the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church. At that Conference he told how he had met with Cardinal Sin of the Philippines, with whom he formed an agreement to encourage people who attended his crusade not to leave the Roman Catholic Church. The Cardinal in turn promised to encourage Roman Catholics to attend the Hinn Crusade. Things have become worse since then! There is documented evidence that Hinn is into necromancy .


발췌 : http://www.ivarta.com/columns/OL_050129.htm


New Life Fellowships of Mumbai is one of the largest and fastest growing charismatic churches in eastern India and has many church plants and affiliates scattered throughout the city and surrounding areas. The head pastor, S. Joseph, was hailed last year as being one of C. Peter Wagner’s personally-invited apostles in his International Coalition of Apostles and was received by many churches with standing applause as a specially anointed warrior for the Lord. They have done much to sponsor past visits and propagations of word-faith, televangelical teachings all over and were set to welcome Hinn and his crusaders in December.

Here’s a strange development from quite an unlikely source at first glance. The Roman Catholic churches in Mumbai banded together and effectively, amongst the Catholic parishioners at least, “banned” their people from attending or supporting Hinn and his ministry in any way.

In October 12th’s Sunday Mid Day newspaper, the headlines read: “Catholics warned against Benny Hinn’s City Meetings”. Heres some commentary from the article:

“Hinn, who claims to make contact with the dead, is a controversial figure in the west where he has been criticized for misinterpreting the Bible and prophesizing the appearance of Jesus at his gatherings. His claims of miraculous healing are also treated with skepticism.”

“Why the Catholic Church has warned its folk against Hinn: Hinn claims God appeared to him in Israel when he was 11.claims to have supernatural powers.says that he has spoken to God.He once said that Jesus was about to make physical appearance at one of his prayer meetings.claims to have visions of angels.claims that he made contact with the dead.”

“Father Pravin Fernandes: “He never talks of suffering. He talks about physical healing without talking about the spiritual part. He combines histrionics, hysteria and emotionalism to lead gullible believers astray.”

In addition to the Catholic churches, the Anglican Churches of North India, have also warned against their congregants attending Hinn’s scheduled meetings, although they haven’t forbidden them to go.

It’s clear to see several things from this issue.

It is interesting to see that even Roman Catholic clergy can see that Hinn is a scheister and raise valid concerns over his doctrine and practices, although many of these outraged priests also condone prayers to dead saints and would believe in apparitions and occurrences of a similar necromantic nature.

We can see that the Roman Church is worried about losing many of their followers to Hinn’s ministry: “The church fears that Catholics might flock to Hinn’s independent churches.”

The mere fact that both Protestants and Catholics alike revere this man at dangerous proportions bordering on and sometimes including worship of his anointing shows the widespread deception among the undiscerning. The climate here is difficult to be in as a missionary. In my witnessing to Hindus, Muslims, and Roman Catholics, I constantly have to clarify that, as a follower of Jesus Christ; I am not a Roman Catholic. Over here, among many, “Christian” is a label that applies to anyone who is not a Hindu or a Muslim and this muddiness is difficult. Combine this generalization with the ecumenical rubbish that has been emerging among many evangelicals, YWAM, and church growth movements where doctrine is not viewed as important, and you’ ve got a most challenging stew to wade through when contending for the true Christian faith and biblical apostolic and scriptural doctrine.

Gul Kriplani is a businessman, allegedly a “Christian”, who is involved in organizing the Benny Hinn show coming in February. He states in the article: “We love the Catholics, there is nothing between the Catholics and us.See, the Catholics believe in Jesus and so do the Protestants. I’m a part of the All India Christian Council, which also has Catholics in it. After all what is a church? It is a body of people, it is not denominations.”

This quote typifies the “cant we all just get along in one big happy dysfunctioning family” mentality that is so rampant here. Hinn has fans in every circle and, according to men like Kriplani, we just need to join hands and go down under whatever power he or the next assembly line heretical imitator brings to the church here. Like the Hindu Sai Baba, worshipped by many here said “The Lord of all of us is One.” And sadly this sentiment and patently false statement has crept into many churches (so-called) here as well.

Well, I must disagree and dissent vigorously with this dangerous doctrine, the doctrines of Roman Catholicism, and the doctrines of Benny Hinn. Many here have fallen for them and many here refuse to stand against them even if they don’t personally agree. Missionaries need to start really making strong stands and teaching their Indian brothers and sisters true doctrine and discernment between truth and error. Lines need to be drawn using the Word of God as our guide and the mouths of the false teachers must be stopped, although I am definitely persuaded by the teachings of my brother Jacob Prasch, that Hinn and any false teacher is, in addition to being a deception of the devil, also a sort of judgment from God to any who forsake the clear teachings of Christ and His Word. Pray for India and pray that Hinn doesn’t make it to Bombay in February. The church, the missionaries, nor the unsaved need what he is pushing. God help us!

In Christ Jesus,
Steven Mitchell
GateWay Ministries India

발췌 : http://moriel.org/MorielArchive/index.php/news/benny-hinn-banned-from-bombay


Benny Hinn's recent programmes, seen on TV in Hawaii, reveal new programming styles with interviews and crusade clips with Hinn consistently changing his tune and a dangerous trend toward Catholic type worship and ecumenical unity.

A number of third wave charismatics, key players in today's revivalism were guests on Hinn's programme over recent weeks — Kenneth Copeland, Rod Parsley, Joyce Meyers and Rodney Howard-Browne. Hinn clearly is assuming the apostolic father figure of the healing ministry picking up the mantle where, not Kathryn Kuhlmann, but William Branham left off.


발췌 : http://www.christian-witness.org/archives/cetf1999/bhinnlower.html



Always Lacking Behind


  • Born: Toufik Benedictus Hinn a.k.a. Benny Hinn 
  • Born on: 3-Dec-1952
  • Birthplace: Jaffa, Israel
  • Ethnicity: Middle Eastern
  • Sexual orientation: ?
  •  Religious background: Raised in Greek Orthodox Church, studied in Catholic School
  • Date became born again: a) While a teenager in Israel, b) while school in Toronto, Canada, c) at altar call by Kathryn Kuhlman in his early twenties
  • Childhood medical risk factor: Stuttering
  • Wife: Suzanne Harthern known as Honey – a pastor’s daughter
  •  Place of marriage: Orlando, Florida
  • High School: Georges Vanier High School, Laval, Quebec, dropped out
  •  Ancestral: Paternal –Greek, maternal - Armenian
  • Occupation: Religious preacher, Paranormal fraud maker, false prophet
  • Vocation: Faith healing televangelist
  • Formal ministry training: None
  • Theological perspective: Word-Faith movement
  • Theology: Heretical
  • Denominational affiliation: Ecumenical or none
  •  Place ministry started: Orlando, Florida
  • Teaching emphasis: Prosperity Gospel
  • Christian behavior: Unorthodox and liberal
  • Every meeting Includes: numerous aberrant, false prophecies, mystical and questionable practices, foolish statements, spurious healing and fabricated personal historical accounts
  • TV Show: This is Your Day
  •  Place started TV show: Toronto
  •  Ministry: Benny Hinn Ministry
  • Studio and Ministry Home base: California
  • Annual Ministry Income: +$120,000,000
  • Residence value: $8.5 –million
  • Lifestyle: Exorbitant -highly extravagant
  • Website:www.bennyhinn.org

Benny Hinn is advocates the prosperity gospel and the teachings of   Word of Faith movement. As is implied by the name "Prosperity Gospel" the supporters believe that faith works as a mighty power or force. That it is through their faith that they can obtain anything they want – such as health, wealth, or any form of personal success. However, this force is only released through their faith. According to Hinn, if a person expresses their faith by sowing a sufficient monetary seed into his ministry - that person will be granted divine physical healing.

He started preaching on TV in Canada in the 1970s, and has expanded his reach to more than 120 nations. As part of his ministry, he conducts faith-healing services, allegedly curing diseases and congenital defects with a wisp of his breath.

Hinn was reportedly the inspiration for Steve Martin's character in the film Leap of Faith, and several of Hinn's healings were effectively debunked in a 2002 report by NBC's Dateline.


Example of Benny Hinn false prophecy

Orlando Christian Center, Dec. 31st, 1989.  "The Spirit tells me - Fidel Castro will die - in the 90's. Oooh my! Some will try to kill him and they will not succeed. But there will come a change in his physical health, and he will not stay in power, and Cuba will be visited of God."

Orlando Christian Center, Dec. 31st, 1989.  "The Lord also tells me to tell you in the mid 90's, about '94-'95, no later than that, God will destroy the homosexual community of America. [audience applauds] But He will not destroy it - with what many minds have thought Him to be, He will destroy it with fire. And many will turn and be saved, and many will rebel and be destroyed."

On  April 2, 2000  TBN program, Benny Hinn claimed that God is about to make a major move to anoint the people of God, as soon as Israel signs a treaty with the ailing Hafez Al-Assad of Syria, which will likely be within the next year. This will signal the impending large scale shift of financial wealth from the wicked to those obedient to God.

The death of Assad on June 10th 2000 shows that Benny Hinn did not know what he was talking about, and is further proof that he is a false prophet, if any more evidence was needed.

Benny even told Paul Crouch to expect that there will be dead people raised this year!

25th of July, 2000,  when peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians broke down in Washington, Benny Hinn again appeared on a TBN program and said, regarding the recent death of Hafez Al-Assad and his failure to make peace with Israel, - "...it was God's plan for it not to happen, really."

Benny Hinn claimed that Jesus is now physically appearing in Moslem countries, and he predicted on the April 2nd 2000 TBN broadcast that Jesus will appear physically very soon in many churches to signal the nearness of the second coming, and that Jesus would also appear physically on the stage at his crusade in Nairobi Kenya (29th -30th of April, 2000)! He told Paul Crouch he might very well have video of Jesus on the stage when he returned from his trip to Kenya!



Example of Benny Hinn false teachings

Benny  Hinn has taught that the Biblical Adam flew to the moon. He has said that the Christian Trinity is actually God in nine persons, not three, because the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are each comprised of trinities.

Often Hinn will cause whole sections of the audience or the choir to fall backward in their seats as he claims to be bringing the anointing of the Holy Spirit on them. Such occurrences are usually called "being slain in the Spirit" or "coming under the power." No Scriptural foundation can be found for this, but it has become an integral part of most Charismatic meetings.

In one meeting, Benny Hinn said “Before you leave this stadium tonight, every person here will receive a fresh flowing of God's power on your life, and you are going to see demons bow when you say, "in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth." It has never happened before, but in a few minutes from now, every person here or at home is going to receive that anointing power over demons. Many people will be slain by the power of the Spirit by watching this tonight, and literally thousands upon thousands are going to receive power over Satan. We are going to bury the devil.

Example of Benny Hinn false claims

  1. He claims to be ministering under the anointing of the Holy Spirit;
  2. He claims to have several or all of the spiritual gifts given to the apostles and early church;
  3. He claims to have the power to "slay people in the Spirit"; amaze people with their supposed revelations in the exercise of the gifts of prophecy, wisdom and knowledge;
  4. He claims to have direct communications from and with God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit
  5. He increasingly claims to have received power and authority identical to or even greater than that given to the apostles and prophets of the first century.
  6. He claims that his ministry is mandated by God who supposedly communicates His will to them by direct revelation apart from and in addition to the Bible.
  7. He claims to receive instructions directly from God in addition to, apart from and contrary to God's written Word, the Bible,
  8. He claims to have had two visions of Jesus before his conversion. The first was at age 11 when he was asleep. The second occurred when he was 19 during a Charismatic prayer meeting when, says Hinn, "suddenly I saw Jesus with my own eyes." This vision resulted in an immediate conversion.
  9. He claims that the Lord told him to begin monthly miracle crusades around the country, in addition to the regular pastoral ministry at the Orlando Christian Center.
  10. The Lord will tell me, "Say' now' and I will touch them." That's all He tells me to do: "Say' now."' It's amazing! I do it, and right away there will be gasps and even screams as the power falls. I open my eyes and invariably two-thirds of the ten thousand or more present collapse onto the floor. Healings of all kinds occur and God makes Himself powerfully known.
  11. He claims that what he exercises is the "word of knowledge" in which he reveals the nature of the illnesses of those being allegedly healed in his large meetings and in his television audience. Sometimes he even mentions the name of the person.
  12. He claims that God will bless them financially if they give sacrificially to his ministry or TBN.
  13. The Holy Ghost is upon me...The day is coming when those that attack us will drop dead. You say, 'What did he say?' I speak this under the anointing of the Spirit. Can I tell you something? Don't touch God's servants; it's deadly...Woe to you that touch God's servants. You're going to pay. 'And the day will come.' The Lord said that to me. He said, 'The day will come when I will punish instantly. Woe to those who touch my chosen.' They will fear us. Hear this: today they mock us; tomorrow they will fear us.
  14. Hinn recently claimed that he was shown the future of his ministry from Kuhlman and Jesus in what he described as a “vision of the night.” June 11, 1997 TIYD Broadcast

  15. A few months earlier, Hinn lured the audience at his Honolulu Crusade with his revelations of not only Kuhlman but the Old Testament prophet Elijah. “I have not just seen angels, I’ve seen saints,” he announced. His narrative there being even more brazenly spiritistic:“You may have a problem with this, I honestly don’t really care. I’ve walked in that [supernatural] world. I’ve seen things you will never be able to understand, unless you’ve been in it. I’ve had individuals appear to me in my room. Not only angels. I’ve seen sights in prayer, incredible sights!”

    J. R. Cherreguine Bible doctrine Ministries

발췌 : http://culticreligions.jrcbdm.com/benny_hinn.htm



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