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[스크랩] 베네수엘라 대통령 - 아이티 지진을 유발한 미국제 무기를 언급!

by 디클레어 2010. 1. 24.

베네수엘라 지도자 Hugo Chavez 가 지난 주 아이티를 강타한 파국적인 지진을 유발한 최신무기를 미국이 시험가동했다며 미국을 고소했다는 기사입니다.


음모론에 지난 이야기로 치부할 수 있는 경향의 이야기인데 언론화 된 것을 보면 되려 음모론에 기반한 이야기들이 사실로 드러난 실례가 더 많다는 기록에 개인적인 무게를 두게 됩니다.


스페인어 뉴스지 ABC에 따르면 Chavez대통령이 말하길 대참사를 유발가능한 시험장치를 빗대어 미국을 절대적 유희의 신-이라 했다고 합니다.


또 이번 살인 지진은 지진유도기계를 사용함으로 유발된 것으로 천재지변으로 가장하여 헤이티를 점령한 미국을 고소한다고 말했습니다.


전자파무기 '하프'를 베네수엘라 언론이 다룬 것을 보면 앞으로의 사건 전개를 눈여겨 관찰하며 더욱 근신하여 깨어 기도하는 우리 모두가 되기를 기도합니다.


작성자 : 이스라엘 님



Chavez says US 'weapon' caused Haiti quake
Thu, 21 Jan 2010 09:55:24 GMT
Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez Wednesday accused the United States of causing the destruction in Haiti by testing a 'tectonic weapon' to induce the catastrophic earthquake that hit the country last week.

President Chavez said the US was "playing God" by testing devices capable of creating eco-type catastrophes, the Spanish newspaper ABC quoted him as saying.

A 7.0-magnitude quake rattled the desperately poor country on January 12, killing an estimated 100,000 to 200,000 people. As Haiti looks to the world for basic sustenance, the authorities say the biggest dangers facing survivors are untreated wounds and rising disease.

Following the quake, appeals for humanitarian aid were responded to globally. However, the nation is struggling with violence and looting as aid is still not enough for the tens of thousands left homeless and injured.

Chavez said the killer earthquake followed a test of "weapon of earthquakes" just offshore from Haiti. He did not elaborate on the source of his claim.

The outspoken leader had earlier accused the US of occupying Haiti "under the guise of the natural disaster."

At least 11,000 US troops have been dispatched to the country to provide security for aid distribution efforts.

Venezuelan media have reported that the earthquake "may be associated with the project called HAARP, a system that can generate violent and unexpected changes in climate."

HAARP, the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, is a study run in Alaska directed at the occasional reconfiguration of the properties of the Earth's ionosphere to improve satellite communications.

Former US Secretary of Defense William Cohen in 1997 expressed concerned over countries engaging "in eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves."
출처 : * 주님 오시는 발자국 소리 *
글쓴이 : 엘샤다이 † 원글보기
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