자료 1 빈야드 운동과 신사도 운동가들의 집회 장면
( 브라운스 빌의 빈야드 운동 집회 )
( 토론토 공항 교회의 빈야드 운동 집회 장면 )
"갑절의 기름부음! 뱀! 뱀!" 타드 벤틀리의 임파테이션을 신사도 운동가 체 안 부부가 받고 있는 모습이다.
타드 벤틀리 사도임명을 위해 토드 벤틀리의 집회에 참석한 세 명의 사도
빌 존슨, 체 안, 존 아노트 (빈야드 운동 근원지 토론토 공항 교회 목사 )
자료 2 신사도 운동가들로 구축된 엘리야 리스트에 포함된 빈야드 운동의 주역 존 아노트와 웃음 부흥 빈야드 운동의 주역 로드니 하워드 브라운
엘리야 리스트 중
A | ||||
Doug Addison
Che Ahn
Rory and Wendy Alec
Beth Alves
Joni Ames
Ian Andrews
John and Carol Arnott
H | ||||
Bill Hamon
Rodney Howard-Browne
Ray Hughes
Theresa Hurlbert
I | ||||
Israel Relief Fund
발췌 : http://www.elijahlist.com/links2.html
자료 3 신사도 운동의 핵 피터 와그너와 연합하는 단체와 운동들
Wagner Associations
와그너와 연합하는 단체 및 운동
( 빈야드 운동, 일명 웃음 부흥 운동 )
Assemblies Of God - Main Web Site
( 하나님의 성회 : 오순절 주의 교단 )
Toronto Blessing:
( 빈야드 운동, 존 아노트, 토론토 블레싱 )
Wagner calls people from Toronto Blessing churches in Bangkok to attend "Power '96":
But before that, again, another stream began to converge during the time of the "Power 96" meeting in November of 1996. A group of pastors had begun meeting just prior to that time, with the vision for a city wide pastor's prayer meeting. At the Power 96 meeting, guest speaker C. Peter Wagner highly encouraged the pastors of Bangkok to take part in this meeting, saying that when pastors come together to pray, things happen. There's that much more authority. (What is "Christians for Revival"?, Thailand's Revival Network, http://www.antioch.com.sg/th/cfr/history.html)
( 빈야드 운동, 존 윔버 )
He was assisted by C. Peter Wagner (church growth expert) who wrote the primer for the power manifesto of the Vineyards titled The Third Wave of the Holy Spirit. This is the book which helped launch the "Third Wave" Pentecostal Movement, and is used as a major reference to understand power healing, e.g. the "Third Wavers" who were taught by Wimber that they were reliving the days of the apostles. They were told they too could perform miracle healing, exorcise evil spirits, and raise the dead as did Jesus and the apostles. Timber said that tongue speaking is not for our time. Who told him so? (The Story of the Vineyard Christian Fellowship, J. E. Choate, http://www.bible-infonet.org/ff/articles/agents/112_02_15.htm)
Kansas City Prophets/Metro Christian Fellowship/Grace Training Center
( 캔사스 시티 예언자 그룹 / 메트로 크리스쳔 펠오우 쉽 / 그레이스 트레이닝 센터 )
"Grace Training Center is on the cutting edge of ministerial training today. Over the last few years God has been raising up new wineskins for preparing men and women for effective ministry which are quite different from the traditional wineskins. Grace Training Center is one of those new wineskins in which impartation and anointing for ministry are just as important as receiving information in order to meet academic goals. Both are offered in Grace, and this double barreled approach will help you to become a winner in the kingdom of God". (C. Peter Wagner, Chancellor, Wagner Leadership Institute, http://www.gtckc.com/endorsements/)
Alpha Course
( 알파 코스 )
Dr. C. Peter Wagner, Professor Emeritus of Church Growth at Fuller Theological Seminary, says of Alpha, "The Alpha course is a wonderful and proven tool for evangelism in the local church, especially in mainline denominations. I enthusiastically support and recommend Alpha." (http://www.goodnewsmag.org/news/alpha_news.htm)
( 레노바레 관상기도 운동 )
One writer wrote: “Included in the extensive (Renovare speakers) list are Lloyd John Ogilvie, Jack Hayford, G. Raymond Carlson (General Superintendent of the Assembly of God, USA), David Hubbard (President of Fuller Theological College), Jamie Buckingham, TONY CAMPOLO, I. J. Packer, JOHN WIMBER, C. PETER WAGNER” - Messiah99 Conference (speakers) - C. Peter Wagner, professor…Fuller Theological Seminary (Hebrew Roots, The Four Waves & Their Roots, MORE Manifestations, LESS Bible!, http://www.seekgod.ca/more.htm)
Cell Church Movement
( 셀 처치 운동, 조용기 목사 )
Third Wave Connections In General
One of the important results of this conference was greatly to enlarge the Renewal umbrella. Since Renewal first broke out in a congregation in Toronto, Canada, many thought that particular movement WAS the Renewal. Others were of the mind that Renewal instead was that which came out of Brownsville, Florida. At last, many of us have come to realize that the Holy Spirit is not divided; his umbrella is large enough to cover many aspects of Renewal. C. Peter Wagner is one of the greatest movers in Christendom today. The fact that he personally convened the conference, and invited certain Renewal leaders to be presenters, greatly enlarged the Renewal umbrella overnight. But even now I wonder how many understand the true implications of what just took place in Dallas. (THE LARGER UMBRELLA, February 18, 1998, Don Hawley, http://www.sabbath.com/donhawley/hawley49.htm)
( 에큐메니칼 운동 )
One of the focuses of Celebration Jesus 2000 was spiritual warfare. Many of the leaders in the Charismatic spiritual warfare movement were featured at the conferences in New Orleans, Indianapolis, and St. Louis, including Rick Joyner, Cindy Jacobs, C. Peter Wagner, and Larry Lea. The movement practices all sorts of unscriptural things, such as identifying and binding territorial spirits, marching around objects or people to claim them for God, "holy laughter," taking territory from the devil by driving stakes into the ground, etc. (CELEBRATION JESUS 2000: END TIMES CONFUSION IN ST. LOUIS, David Cloud, http://www.whidbey.net/~dcloud/fbns/endtimesconfusion.htm)
Church Growth International sponsors the celebration of Jesus' birth in Jerusalem. Speakers include David Yonggi Cho, Jack Hayford, Robert Schuller, C. Peter Wagner, Tom Pelton and many others. (Jerusalem Celebration 2000, http://www.ncinter.net/~ejt/ytj11.zip)
Promise Keepers
( 프라미스 키퍼스 운동 )
Another excerpt from "Extreme Privilege," the book now being published and distributed by Promise Keepers at their events. This segment was written by C. Peter Wagner. This is an excellent example in the field of what I've been calling "the assumption of a symmetrical universe," that is, of Christians who make up and repeat for their own purposes stories to support their inherent and false assumption that their "enemies" are doing exactly the reverse of what they do. Notice the insistence that such imaginary phenomena are real, and how these bogeymen are intentionally used to create fear and resentment against most non-Christian spiritual groups. This is not written and published by some fringe figure; this is from a book with the PK logo on its cover, to which Promise Keepers owns the copyright. (Mike Doughney, Soapbox co-host, Promise Keepers: More Book Excerpt: C. Peter Wagner: Satanic Covenant, http://soapbox.barf.org:8280/showthread.php?threadid=6348)
March For Jesus
( 예수 행진 운동 )
“I believe the March for Jesus has the potential to become one of the most powerful vehicles for the advancement of the kingdom of God that we have yet known - generating new spiritual power for unprecendented evangelistic harvests, as well as for measurable changes in our societies toward righteousness and social justice ... This kind of public declaration can do serious damage to the principalities and powers of darkness over a city ... What tremendous spiritual power will be released on that day I anticipate a world that will never again be the same.” (Ministries today May/June 1992, C. Peter Wagner - Marching for Jesus).
발췌 : http://www.deceptioninthechurch.com/wagnerquotes.html
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