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신사도운동의 인사들

by 디클레어 2010. 5. 10.

신사도운동의 인사들


2004년도 문서에 실린 신사도운동가들의 명단입니다. 최근 인사들과 빈야드/캔자스 인사들은 빠져 있어 글 마무리에 덧붙였습니다. 참고하시기 바랍니다. 문서제목은 이렇습니다.

"신사도개혁운동의 의제와 교의"

("The Agenda & Teaching Of The New Apostolic Reformation")


..Of course the list has to start with Apostle C. Peter Wagner of Wagner Leadership Institute who calls himself a "super apostle". There are dozens of other organizations he is the "apostle" of such as Global Harvest Ministries, Mission America, Lighthouse Movement, International Coalition Of Apostles, Wagner Publications, and the National Prayer Committee.

신사도운동의 인사들 신사도/빈야드/늦은비

2008/09/21 21:36

복사 http://blog.naver.com/yoochinw/130035483562

물론 리스트는 와그너리더십연구소의 슈퍼사도 피터 와그너로부터 시작되어야겠지만, 그는 10여 개의 단체의 사도이기도 하다. (단체명 번역 생략합니다.)


Some of the key people featured on the video clips we will be showing you who are involved in C. Peter Wagner's New Apostolic Reformation and his International Coalition Of Apostles and who have taught at the Wagner Leadership Institute are as follows:

(신사도운동의 핵심인사들)

Apostle and Overseer John Eckhardt(존 에카르트) of Impact Network, Crusaders Ministries in Chicago, Illinois;
Apostle Chuck Pierce(척 피어스) of Glory Of Zion Ministries International and Global Harvest Ministries;
Apostle, Prophet & Bishop Bill Hamon(빌 해몬) of Christian International Ministries Network;
Apostle Jim Laffoon of the International Apostolic Team of Morning Star International;
Prophetess Cindy Jacobs(신디 제이콥스) of Generals Of Intercession and Women's Aglow Fellwoship;
Senior Pastor Ted Haggard(테드 헤거드) of New Life Church Colorado Springs (where the Wagners attend) and Global Harvest Ministries;
Prophet Mike Bickle(마이크 비클) formerly of the Kansas City Prophets and now of Friends Of The Bridegroom and International House Of Prayer;
Prophetess Mary Crum of Life Center Ministries and Christian International Ministries Network;
Senior Pastor Jack Deere(잭 디어) of Evangelical Foundation Ministries and Trinity Fellowship Church of Amarillo, TX;
Prophetess & Senior Pastor Barbara Yoder(바바라 요더) of Skekinah Christian Church of Ann Arbor, MI;
Apostle & Senior Pastor Dutch Sheets(더치 쉬츠) of Springs Harvest Fellowship of Colorado Springs, CO, Fuller Seminary and Dutch Sheets Ministries.


Some other prominent names from the Wagner Leadership Institute and the International Coalition Of Apostles are the following: (그 외 와그너리더십연구소와 국제사도연맹/ICA회원들)

Intercessor Alice Smith of the US Prayer Center, America's National Prayer Committee, International Reconciliation Coalition and International Spiritual Warfare Network;
Intercessor Doris Wagner, wife of C. Peter Wagner, co-founder of Global Harvest Ministries;
Apostle George Otis, Jr.(조지 오티스 주니어) of The Sentinel Group, producer of the Transformations video series;
Pastor Bob Beckett of The Dwelling Place Family Church;
Professor Charles Kraft of Fuller Seminary and Deep Healing Ministries;
Senior Pastor David Cannistraci of Evangel Christian Fellowship;
Mr. Eddie Smith founder of the US Prayer Center, America's National Prayer Committee, the U.S. Lausanne Committee, Mission America, the International Spiritual Warfare Network, the World Prayer Advisory Council, and the International Reconciliation Coalition;
Teacher Ed Silvoso(에드 실보소) founder of Harvest Evangelism, Inc. and the Lighthouse Movement;
Apostle Dr. Belcher member of the CFNI Executive Management Committee, Director of the Institute Emeritus, President of the CFN Alumni Ministers' Fellowship, instructor for The School of Pastoral Ministry;
Senior Pastor Ernest Gentile founding pastor of Christian Community Church in San Jose, California;
Intercessor Frank Hammond(프랭크 해몬드) of Children's Bread;
Mr. George Barna(조지 바나) of  Barna Research Group, Ltd;
Pastor & Intercessor Jill Griffith of Wagner Publications;
Writer Jim Rutz of Open Church Ministries and a freelance writer for groups such as, World Vision, Wycliffe, Youth for Christ, Prison Fellowship, the Lausanne Committee, Jews for Jesus, and Intervarsity;
Writer Ken Gire(켄 가이어) of Wagner Publications;
Apostle & Senior Pastor Lawrence Khong(로렌스 콩) of Faith Community Baptist Church in Singapore;
Pastor Linda Rios Brook of Lakeland Foundation, Inc. and Linda Rios Brook Ministries;
Teacher Lora Allison founder and President of Celebration Ministries;
Senior Pastor Naomi Dowdy Founder/President of Global Leadership Network and the Theological Centre for Asia in Singapore;
Author Quin Sherrer author of Pray For Your Children and Good Night Lord;
Apostle Rich Marshall founding pastor of Springs of Life Fellowship, Sunnyvale, CA;
Senior Pastor Robert Heidler(로버트 하이들러) of Glory of Zion Outreach Center, Shekinah Messianic Ministries, Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem, and Glory of Zion International Ministries;
Senior Pastor Stephen Mansfield of Belmont Church in Nashville, Tennessee.;
Pastor Terry Teykl of Aldersgate United Methodist, Houston, TX;
Author Rebecca Wagner Sytsema, Associate Publisher for Wagner Publications;
Pastor David DeBord, Executive Director of The Christian Pastoral Counseling Center of Pasadena and of Deep Healing Ministries;
Pastor & Author Barbara Wentroble of Wagner Publications;
Senior Pastor Che Ahn(체 안) of Harvest Rock Church in Pasadena, California, and the founder and president of Harvest International Ministries;
Author Stan DeKoven of Wagner Publications and over 20 books and numerous study guides;
Author Hector Torres founder and president of Hispanic International Ministries and Coordinator to the Hispanic world for the World Prayer Center based in Colorado Springs;
Senior Pastor Michael Fletcher of Manna Church in Fayetteville, North Carolina and founder of A.R.C. Ministries (Assisting Romanian Churches);
Senior Pastor Larry Jackson(래리 잭슨) of  Bethel Outreach International Church in Charlotte, NC. 


At the last REPORT FROM THE APOSTOLIC COUNCIL OF PROPHETIC ELDERS --WITH FOCUS on CUBA of January 10-11, 2002 written by Chuck Pierce, those "apostles" attending were

(2002년 사도회의 참석자들)
Wesley and Stacey Campbell(웨스/스테이시 캠벨), Jim Goll(짐/제임스 골), Bill and Evelyn Hamon, Mike and Cindy Jacobs, Jim Laffoon, Bart Pierce, Chuck D. Pierce, Rick Ridings, John and Paula Sandford(존 샌드포드), Michael and Andrea Schiffmann, Gwen Shaw, Dutch Sheets(더치 쉬츠), Sharon Stone, Tommy Tenney(토미 테니), Hector Torres, Peter and Doris Wagner, and Barbara Wentroble.

(우리나라에 잘 알려진 인사들 위주로 이름을 번역/강조했음.)


출처: http://www.deceptioninthechurch.com/arise.html


그 외에 캔저스시티선지자/대언자들과 빈야드운동가 중심으로 중요한 신사도/늦은비 운동가들을 생각나는 대로 적습니다:

(고)존 윔버, 로드니 하워드 브라운, 릭 조이너, 밥 존스, 폴 케인, 케네스 코플란드, 패트리셔 킹, 루 잉글, 하이디 베이커, 존 킬패트릭, 존 아놋, 타드 벤틀리, 션 볼츠, 질 오스틴, 존 비비어, 스티브 힐, 랜디 클락, 마헤시 차브다, 빌 존슨, 게리 윈스, 폴 키스 데이비스, 킴 클레멘트, 잭 헤이포드, 바비 코너, 마크 비써, 제프 잰슨, 프랜시스 프랜지팬, 데릭 프린스 등이 있습니다.