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넷째짐승이 세계를 통합하는 방식

by 디클레어 2010. 8. 25.


과거 지구촌엔 180여개의 국가가 있었고, 그중 소련, 영국, 미국등 소수국가가 여러시대에 걸쳐 많은힘을 갖고 있었습니다. 하지만 현재의 지구촌을 보십시오.


거대한 구름이 지구를 감싸고 소용돌이치는 형상입니다. 이 구름은 국가간의 경계도 무시하고, 어떠한 법도 따르지 않습니다. 이 그름은 바로 거대 그룹들입니다.


이들이 기본적으로 세계의 정치인들을 조종합니다. 왜냐하면 거대 기업들이 모든 자본을 소유했고 정치인들은 당선이나 정치활동을 위해 항상 돈이 필요하기 때문입니다.


민주적 절차로 선출되지 못한 정치인들은 언론을 직접 소유하거나 광고비를 이용해서 메이저언론을 조종합니다. 그들은 워싱턴에 대통령과 의회에 큰 영향력을 행사하는 엄청난 수의 로비스트도 보유하고 있습니다. 그들이 진짜 조종자들입니다.


중국, 타이완, 티벳, 이스라엘, 아랍국가들, 브라질, 인도등, 탐나는 자원을 가진 모든국가의 필요한 사람들과 협력관계를 맺고 있습니다. 그리고 그들은 이제껏 보지 못한 새로운 형태의 제국을 실제로 등장시키고 있습니다.


이상 jun2013님의 자막으로 알렉스존스의 공화국의 몰락의 일부를 시청하셨습니다. 감사드립니다.


이제껏 보지 못한 새로운 형태의 제국은 과연 어떤것을 말함인가?

돈으로 세상을 노예화시키고 있는 거대한 자본을 소유하고 있는 자들, 그들이 바로 넷째짐승으로 부를 수 있는 세계정부주의자들이다. 그림자정부라고 하지 않는 것은 이들이 단지 미국이란 단 한나라에 그치지 않고 온 나라를 통합하고 있기 때문이다.


이들이 이룰 나라가 성경에서 보면, 바로 다니엘서의 느부갓네살의 꿈에 나타났던 거대한 신상의 발가락부분이요, 철과 진흙이 섞였다고 표현된 그리고 인종이 섞일거라고 하셨던 부분이고, 철의 강함이 있을것이나 부분적으로 부서질만하다고 세가지로 해석하셨던 그나라인 것이다.


니므롯이 시날땅에 바벨탑을 세우며, 우리가 흩어짐을 면하자고 했던 하나님에 대한 반역이 지금 현세에 이루어지고 있는 것이다. 과거에는 힘의 논리였고, 강한 자가 세상을 지배하는 형국이었다. 그러나 지금은 그 형태가 바뀌어서 동영상을 봐서도 알겠지만 돈으로 세상을 지배하려는 것이다. 세계를 통일하는데 힘으로는 안됨을 역사를 통해 깨달았던 세계주의자들은 이후에 경제를 무기로 세계를 통합하려고 했고, Fed의 힘을 빌어 그것은 90%정도 성공한 것으로 보인다. 아니 이미 100%라고 해도 지나친 말이 아닐 것이다.


세계에 그들의 기업이 나가 있지 않은 곳이 있던가?

세계에 그들의 은행이 나가 있지 않은곳이 있던가?

세상 어느곳이 월스트리트에 자유로울 수 있는가?

이 거대한 경제대국, 미국의 영향을 받지 않는 나라가 과연 있을 수나 있던가?

혹 있다면, 그들이 콧방귀도 끼지 않는 그런 문명적으로 뒤떨어진 나라일 것이다.


그럼 세상을 주름잡는 기업들은 어떤 그룹들이 있나 한 번 살펴보자, 스크랩해서 올린다.


프리메이슨 회사들 Corporate  일단 이름만 올린다.


Corporate Symbology Part 1 - Part 2 SOON!

Bill always taught us to be diligent in our research and observant in our day to day activities. We are surrounded with symbols in our homes, on our televisions, and in industry. We have assembled this page to help you understand the symbols around you which in time will enable you to understand an entirely new language - one that is being spoken continually without the knowledge of the sheople. We encourage you to send us any logos or other symbols you find in your research so we may add them to this page.

Alliance Atlantis Film Studio

This is a 'classic' use of the pyramid as a symbol of the illumined man. Their animated version shows a point of light traveling from the bottom left of the image to the top of the pyramid where it then twinkles. This pyramid seems to include the boat of Isis in gold as well. (Or perhaps even the entire pyramid if inverted.) While the exoteric meaning of alchemy has always been turning lead into gold, the esoteric has always meant turning man into God. The "Atlantis" part of their name should be obvious...

Any ideas? E-mail us!

Lucent Technologies

See Next Item

Lucent Technologies

Just the name alone should scare you (It has been rumored to stand for Lucifer's Enterprise) but combined with the symbol we have an amazingly bold statement. This red ring of fire clearly implies Luciferian philosophy at work in the minds of the corporate heads of Lucent. These symbols all point to the same message - the fire of knowledge. Lucent uses many other symbolic names in their products and programming languages.

Lucent Technologies

Just in case you needed more convincing here's just one of their products.

Apple Computer Corporation

Yes, even the folks at Apple are guilty of this type of esoteria. What we see here is the forbidden fruit of the Garden of Eden. Clearly the fruit has been sampled and we must infer from this that our friends at Apple have great knowledge of the Luciferian philosophy and are working their way towards being Gods. This Gnosis is what Satan promised Adam and Eve isn't it?


Apple also claims Newton as one of the gentlemen that inspired them, but the bite out of the apple clearly indicates a different meaning than the famous apple that hit Newton in the head. Other rumours have it that Steve Jobs worked in an Apple orchard and, combined with his love for the Beatles (recorded on the Apple Record label), chose this symbol as his own.

Also note the "powered by Darwin" logo - straight from Apple.


CBS Broadcasting

This is one of the easy ones to interpret. What you're looking at here is none other than the famous "All Seeing Eye", the same symbol seen on the back of the US $1 bill at the top of the pyramid. Also known as the eye of Horus.

Shell Corporation

The shell seen here is similar to the NBC peacock logo. Both represent the sun and its rays. These rays of light represent the esoteric knowledge that man can become God through scientific knowledge. Absent from all of this philosophy is a spirituality and a supreme creator being. When anything of the sort is mentioned, it is understood by the illumined that it is allegory only.

Esso / Exxon Corporation

The lion has always been a symbol of the initiate in the mystery schools. We wonder if the tiger Exxon uses is a derivative of this. According to their website they have no idea where the symbol came from. The masses are referred to as sheep or cattle while the illumined one is the king of the jungle - the lion. Mobil makes extensive use of Pegasus as well in their brand labeling. Some have claimed the Exxon XXs are a blatant symbol of the Double Cross - quite possible we suppose.

Paramount Studios

A radiant circle of stars surrounds the pinnacle of the mountain which is a substitute for the classic pyramid structure generally more often used. Still, we have the same basic principles at work here, a symbol of the initiate who is the grandest one, perhaps the other peaks represent other initiates who have not yet attained perfection.

Columbia Tristar

Note the use of the statue of liberty (A woman wearing a corona of light (the sun)) symbolic of Isis, holding a lit torch (knowledge). And of course, here we have Pegasus again!! Isn't he popular?!!


The "Sun - Oil - Company" Need we say more?

From their website : "It was a new look in 1981 when the word SUN in blue block letters on a white sunburst became the identifying symbol of the company. Keeping its familiar Sunoco Diamond and DX symbols at the pump "

General Motors

While their symbol seems pretty innocent, look at the names of many of the motor vehicles they manufacture : Pontiac SUNFIRE, FIREBIRD, Chevrolet LUMINA, SATURN. They also tout onstar" as one of their proudest options. The blue sun is probably due to corporate color restrictions, with the bright white star of the morning - Lucifer!

To be fair, GM isn't the only one : Think MAZDA (do you know who Mazda was?), Ford Taurus, and many many others. These are all symbols of something people - WAKE UP! You're being tricked!

Sun Life

There are literally hundreds of companies using the sun as their symbol. Don't you think they'd all be screaming LAWSUIT if there wasn't a common principle that they all shared. Almost a way to communicate with each other that they share the same beliefs. A secret code. Here we see what appears to be the earth protected by the glorious rays of illumination from the sun. The yin and yang (of the earth) may also be intentionally implied here.

Are you beginning to understand?


Take special notice of the emphasized AG in their 'imagine' wordmark. AG of course representing the Periodic Table of elements symbol for silver. Ah-ha! Representative perhaps of the as yet incomplete process of alchemy? We are silver now - not yet the gold enlightened beings? Turning lead into gold. The transmutation of the ignorant base ape into the god of modern man. Knowledge. Power. Light.

Sun Microsystems

Sun Microsystems...

Hmm. Need we say anything more?

CBC Television

Another appearance of the sun! The other perspective may be from the top of a pyramid - we can see various levels of initiation implied in this symbol with the sun at the center as the main object.

Global Television

Crescent Sun/Boat of Isis Symbol

They also make use of a red sun with the words GLOBAL over top of it.

Here we see their morning show logo combining both logos in one. When multiple symbols like this are used there can be no doubt their use is intentional.

AOL Time Warner

The "eye of Horus" in the center surrounded by three 6's which form a pyramid. Trust us folks - this is all intentional.

Lucis Trust

Pyramid shaped sunburst in the center of a radiant glowing circle representing once again the levels of initiation and the light of knowledge. Definite consciously implied light and sun symbols.

Website link unavailable at present

But try this related link


This overtly obvious Masonic symbol is no longer available on their website. We see the eye of the sun or the eye of Horus looking down at the world from its' vantage point atop a pyramid. This is an indication that the all knowing ones are watching the entire planet from their elevated illumined state.


Another variation of the pyramid - based on the letter A in their name. Indicates a clear understanding of the Luciferian/pagan ideals by the logo designers.

Fidelity Investments

Just like on the US $1 Bill. We see an Egyptian pyramid representing the gradual steps of knowledge and the initiation to higher more illumined levels of gnosis. The separated capstone with the glowing rays of the sun represents the master architect of the universe.

Time Warner Cable

Use of the spiral which is a blatant reference to the sun, combined with the commonly used eye symbol.

Compare it with the Eye of Ra seen in gold. Don't the two symbols share a lot in common?

Southway Inn

Classic use of a sun symbol, probably intentional, communicating to the "illumined" that this might be a nice place to stay!

Not every use of the sun as a corporate symbol is used consciously by the designer or owners of these companies but the fact that this symbol is so preval!ent should cause us to raise an eyebrow or two.


Could the Toyota symbol be a sun or an eye as well? With the smaller "eye" at the top of the main "sun" we could be seeing an indication of knowledge of the levels of illumination.

One thing to note is they also sell a car called the "Solara".

Better Business Bureau

This better business bureau icon shows a fiery torch - much like the Olympic torch. Yet another fire worship symbol. The torch of knowledge. Prometheus gave man the gift of fire - intellect! (Or so the myths tell us...)

No known website

Taken from a hang tag on a candle.

This is a very common sun symbol. Here we see the personification of the sun indicating a transformation from the sun being worshiped as a SYMBOL of the almighty God, to the point where the sun is considered to be the almighty.

The Ottawa Sun

OK, another simple one. Deliberate use of the sun symbol directly meaning illumination of the people - in this case through the use of a daily newspaper. This is a major newspaper chain in Canada. Other newspapers throughout the world use this symbol as their trademark as well.

Cirque Du Soleil

Ok folks, I making this too easy now. Cirque du Soleil is French for "Circus of the Sun".

Their name and symbol speak for themselves. The question you should be asking yourselves is "What do their stage presentations represent?". This type of involved analysis would take more space than we have available for this corporate symbology section.

Their new program on Canadian television is called "Solstrum". Figure it out for yourselves...

Hard Rock Cafe

Another easily recognized use of the illumined sun - representing light and knowledge.

Is rock and roll the music of Lucifer? We're not sure but this could be his favorite restaurant!

Ronald McDonald House

This Toronto charity sponsored by the Mcdonalds fast food chain shows a dominant sun symbol.


Also note the use of the number "13" in their logo(s).


Boutique Seduction


Use of the apple here indicates, of course, the same apple that Apple Computer is using. In this case a sex shop in Montreal Canada uses this as their logo to glamorize and normalize graphic sexuality and by extension the fall of man.

The hexagram used in Luciferian worship may have it's origin in the hexagram of the apple core. Knowledge and science are once again promised to mankind by those who would have us turn our backs on God, as the solution to eternal life. After all - man is God isn't he???

Comfort Inn

The various levels of light in this symbol show us that the designers want to imply a knowledge of the levels of initiation a candidate must pass through to become fully illumined. The top most section of this sun symbol is the most brilliant indicating that only those at the top have the true knowledge.


Days Inn

Why aren't all of these companies that use this sun symbol sueing each other in court over copyright infringement?

It's because they are all conscious of their choice of this symbol as a way to speak to each other through "occult" (HIDDEN) language. These symbols speak volumes without ever using a single word.

Dairy Queen

The now familiar Eye of Ra/Eye of Horus we've come to recognize everywhere.

Why wouldn't Dairy Queen have a happy cow or crazy banana as their symbol? Wouldn't this be more appropriate for an ice cream treat company? Think about this for all of the other companies listed here as well. It should be obvious there is more to this corporate symbol game than mere chance. These symbols should be speaking very loud to you.


Here we see the classic pryamid with a radiant top, indicating the illumined elite.


Notice the use of the number "13" in the Arby's logo.

영적 분별력|글쓴이 : 진실|


이번에는 언론이다. 앞글과 로고는 peacemaker님의 글이다.


전 세계인들이 그들의 언론 조작에 놀아나고 있는 실정이다.


지금 AP, UPI, AFP, 로이터 등 세계 유수의 통신사들과 뉴욕 타임스, 워싱턴 포스트 등 신문사와 NBC, ABC 등 방송사가 모두 장차 세계를 지배할 세력의 소유로 되어 있으며 장차 전세계를 통신망으로 뒤덮을 IBM 국제 VAN(부가가치통신망)도 그들의 손에 들어가 있다.




등이 있다. 이것보다 더 많은 언론이 사실 그들 손에 있다. 이것은 새발의 피다. 언론은 생각보다 대단한 힘을 가지고 있다. 대중이 뭘 알아야 하느냐 하는 것은 바로 그들이 결정하는 것이다.


그들이 보도하지 않거나 진실을 왜곡하면 우리가 현실을 제대로 볼 수 있는 방법이 없다. 혹시 알려한다면 바로 그 일이 일어나는 자리에 우리가 있어야 한다.


기자정신은 협박이나 생계앞에 무너지게 되어있다. 그래도 거부하는 자는 죽음뿐이다. 그렇게 진실은 가리워져 왔다.

