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[스크랩] 세계의 대통령을 향한 오바마? (Obama for World President?)

by 디클레어 2009. 12. 18.

오바마에 대하여 잘 관찰하고 있다는 생각이 드는 글로 오바마가 세계 대통령을 염두해 두고 자신의 직무를 행하고 있다는 논지의 글입니다.


민주당 의원들이 의료보험 개혁을 완강하게 밀어붙이고 있는 오바마의 계획으로 인해 2010년 있을 선거에서 의원직을 잃을 까봐 걱정하고 있다는 서두로 시작하면서 그 소식에 놀라지 않는다는 작자는 오바마가 2012년 있을 국내 대통령 선거보다 아직 만들어진 자리도 아니지만 오히려 세계 대통령을 꿈꾸고 있기 때문이라는 주장하고 있는 것입니다.


그는 그 증거로 오바마가 미국이 행했던 일들에 대하여 여러 나라에 사과 하거나 자세를 낮추어 강력하고 위험하며 독불장군 같은 완고한 미국의 이미지보다 좋은 미국으로의 이미지를 심기 위해 애쓰고 있다는 것, 그리고 환경문제, 경제문제, 핵문제 등의 여러 국제적인 일들에 대하여 아주 적극적으로 참여하면서 마치 국내 선거전을 치르는 인물처럼 세계 여러곳을 바쁘게 움직이고 있다는 이유, 그리고 아직까지도 자신의 이슬람 이름을 그대로 고수 하고 있다는 등의 이유를 말하고 있습니다.


이 글을 읽으면서 이글의 작자인 David Gutmann의 의견에 공감가는 부분들이 있어 간략하게 올려봅니다. 이 예측은 빌더버거들의 계획을 염두해 두고 썻는지는 알 수 없으나, 정말 이 예측이 맞는다면 그(오바마)는 세계 통합의 방향을 탐지하고 미리 대비하고 있는 영악함을 가지고 있거나, 북미 기독교인들사이에서 의심하고 있는 바와 같이 빌더버거들에 의해 계획된 청사진을 이루기 위해 나름대로 절차를 따르는 것이 아닌가하는 생각을 해 봅니다.



Obama for World President?
– by David Gutmann
Dec 8th, 2009

Rookie Democratic congressmen are reportedly afraid that Obama will stubbornly press ahead with his unpopular plans for Health Reform, even if they, his unwilling Kamikazes, get voted out of office in 2010 as a result. As a dedicated Obama watcher, I for one am not surprised by this development. In fact, I am now betting even money that our president is not particularly concerned about his own re-election in 2012, and that he will enact as many of his programs in health reform, energy conservation, arms reduction and income redistribution as he can before his current term expires, and then try for higher goals. My hunch is that he is already getting restless in his present job, and that he seeks a promotion to an even greater status.

My sensitivities, sharpened by years of Obama watching, take note of the following pieces of evidence, and have gone to Condition Red:

Obama’s seeming restlessness is a matter of record. Until recently he was routinely charged with throwing outworn sponsors, including his old mentor the Rev. Wright, “under the bus.” And as a Chicago politician, he used wealthy, influential backers (mainly women), discarding them as better prospects hove into view.

Just four years ago he was a backbencher in the Illinois legislature, but since then he has served a partial term in the U.S. Senate, where he spent most of his tenure campaigning for the next giant step in his upward mobility, to the Oval Office. He has never in any office run for re-election, but has instead used any current position as a boost platform for his next installation.

Observers of his presidency have been puzzled by the continuing pattern: Obama is still in campaign mode, spending a good deal of time giving major policy speeches, not only in the states, but around the globe. “What office is he running for now?” One can ask.

Tackling that question, we note that Obama is an enormously ambitious, audacious man, and – as his gritty record in Chicago politics demonstrates – an enormously competitive and at times ruthless one. Coupled with his formidable intelligence, plus the evident grandiosity revealed most blatantly in his victory speech after winning the Democratic nomination, (“This is the night when the oceans start to recede”), we glimpse a personality constellation that we have known before, notably in Alexander the Great and Napoleon Bonaparte: that of the would-be world conqueror.

If this is indeed Obama’s fantasy, then it is shared by a sizeable portion of the world’s population: a poll taken in Sept. ’09 by the BBC indicated , at that time, that a large proportion of the global sample favored Obama as world president; and my Google search of “Obama, world President,” turns up more than120, 000,000 posts.

So here is my answer to questions concerning Obama’s electoral ambitions: he aims to fill an as yet unformed position, that of World President, and – as in the past – he uses his current presidency as a launching pad toward that more grandiose goal.

Barack Hussein Obama was raised abroad, and – possibly for global electioneering purposes – he keeps his foreign name. In addition, it becomes increasingly evident that our exotic president has bought into the alien, Third-World view of the US as a dangerous bully: a prime source of pollution, a nation too powerful, and too undisciplined in the use of power, and as such a leading danger to Humanity. Thus, campaigning as the “Good American,” Obama apologizes around the world for America’s sins, he genuflects before Saudi and Chinese tyrants, he negotiates with our sworn enemies while down-grading our allies, he weakens the U.S. militarily and economically while permitting the Iranians to construct nukes, and he builds up the prestige of the heretofore discredited, America-bashing UN.

This is the Audacity of Defeat: Obama is engaged in a redistribution of power, though now on a global rather than a domestic scale. Thus, he gives away pieces of America’s prestige, in his eyes to detoxify it, and to build up the as yet unrealized world coalition that he hopes one day to lead.

As Napoleon discovered in the snows of the Russian winter, grandiose dreams of world dominion are never realized. However, those who pursue that hectic fantasy can cause terrible trouble before they are stopped. In this age of proliferating nukes, we cannot afford such dreamers. This should be the winter of Obama’s discontent.

출처 : * 주님 오시는 발자국 소리 *
글쓴이 : 엘샤다이 † 원글보기
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