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[스크랩] 유럽에 불어닥치는 국가부도 쓰나미!

by 디클레어 2010. 2. 18.

어제 마르코스 멤버가 유럽 3개국의 재정고갈로 인한 소요사태가 우려된다는 유럽 쓰나미란 제목으로 기사와 보고를 올려왔는데요.


그에 대해 여타 멤버들이 상황을 전하고 있습니다. 타니야 멤버는 포르투갈의 기업도산이 줄을 잇고 있다고 합니다.


정부 재정 중단이 민간경제의 비용을 치솟게 만든다는 내용입니다. 미셸 멤버는 유럽연합 정부의 재정 대응이 턱없이 부족하다고 합니다.


전체 국가총생산의 3%대 재정적자 내로 제한이 가해지는 아주 제한적 재정정책입니다.

한편 이런 돈 공급줄을 죄는 것은 금융의 투기행위하는 비난이 올라오고 있습니다.


스페인의 후앙 멤버는 격렬하게 금융의 조작 행위를 비난합니다. 스페인은 실질적으로 도산됬다고 하며 공식적인 경제수치는 모두 조작되고 실제와 상관없다고 합니다.


정부 자체가 금융권의 손에 넘어가 있으며, 실제 실업율은 40%, 공공적자 또한 엄청나고, 외채는 현재 지급불능 상태라고 전하고 있습니다.


국민 납세자 돈은 금융에 넘어가서 신용을 이어가고요. 정부가 국민을 공격하는 듯한 표현이 나오는데 차마 눈뜨고는 볼수 없는 얘기들이 이어지고 있습니다.

우리의 IMF 사태를 그대로 재방하고 있는 듯 합니다.


작성자 : Peterkim



2010 02 09 23시 32 08

Hi Marcos,

The situation here in Portugal is deteriorating each day. Especially now that almost every day companies are closing doors. People are very upset with the low wages and huge unemployment.

Although Socrates' center left government is a minority government, he wants to rule like he had the majority. Even with the huge debt the government wants this country to have a TGV train that will cost the taxpayers a lot of money, when there are other more important issues like the health system.

Other countries may cut the expenses, Portugal NOT. The government pretends that the financial situation is not that bad and everything is ok.



2010 02 10 00시 58 31



here's some more news, a good news source...


"A bailout would be a blow to monetary union by showing that the framework set up to support it was insufficient to ward off a crisis. With budgets in the hands of 16 separate governments, the euro relies on a set of rules limiting deficits to 3 percent of gross domestic product. Large deficits can undermine a currency."


perhaps they can learn from the USA and not bail them out...as we did bail them out and look at what's going on here...did it help???




2010 02 10 03시 26 11

This is overstated and to scare people, mainly to help the speculators to play their games to earn money in the stock markets weakening the euro. You can read about these speculators in the European media today.


2010 02 10 03시 38분 41



When I first heard about it this the other day, I thought the same thing as you stated. Pounce on the weak and reap, strategy of the big bankers.




2010 02 10 06 41분 54

My 2 cents.
Spain is technically bankcrupt.As we know the official data is manipulated and has nothing to do with reality.The government is in the hands of the banks.We have a real unemployment of 40%,bankcruptcies tripled in 2009 with respect to 2008,public deficit is increasing as never seen,foreing debt is unpayable.
Taxpayers money has been given to the banks in order to help them to give credit to people.That credit is non existent and no signals to start and rather to stay the same now as they fear to be "attacked" by government.However the obtain profits.People are seeing that and start opening their eyes a litle bit but not enough.
No jobs are created at all.Some were created with public spending.This is now to be stopped.There is no production at all and no reduction of costs,if any,in education,investigation...plenty of non sustainable busnisess.
Trade unions are to go the streets very soon.
Opposition party does not exit.All are the same and the same who took us into this position.
Apart from that we have the EU which is a falacy with no sense whatsoever.
Where do we go?Collapse.How to stop it?No way without the cellestial intervention.

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글쓴이 : 엘샤다이 † 원글보기
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