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[스크랩] 로렌 커닝햄 (Loren Cunningham) 문제점

by 디클레어 2010. 4. 20.

로렌 커닝햄 (Loren Cunningham) 

YWAM (예수전도단) 창립자


YWAM has worked closely with Catholic charismatics.

YWAM은 로마 카톨릭 은사주의자들과 함께 동역하였습니다.


YWAM is a promoter of ecumenical, charismatic, psychologized men's movement,

as evidenced by various YWAM directors speaking at PK men's conferences.

YWAM의 많은 지도자들은 PK 세미나의 강사로 PK를 추천하였습니다.

프라미스 키퍼스 운동은 에큐메니칼, 은사주의, 심리학적인 남성 운동입니다.


YWAM is a signatory to the 1974 Lausanne Covenant -- an ecumenical evangelism effort begun by Billy Graham and Leighton Ford.

YWAM은 빌리 그래함에 의해 시작된 에큐메니칼 운동인 로잔 언약(1974년)에 서명하였습니다.


YWAM has sought and received the endorsements of a number of liberals and ecumenicals:

 Bill Bright (Campus Crusade for Christ), Tony Campolo, Dick Easton,

Millard Fuller (Habitat for Humanity), Jack Hayford, Bill Hybels,

Bill McCartney (Promise Keepers), and Billy Graham.

YWAM은 자유주의자와 에큐메니칼 운동을 하는 자들을 지지하고 받아들였습니다.



YWAM participates in the A.D. 2000 Evangelism organization.

Billy Graham, Luis Palau, Campus Crusade's Bill Bright, and Kyun Chik Han of Korea were named as four Honorary Co-Chairmen.

YWAM은 A.D. 2000 복음화 조직에 참여하였는데, 공동의장은

빌리 그래함, 루이스 팔라우, 빌 브라이트 등이 있습니다.


A.D. 2000 Evangelism is ecumenical, compromising to the core, and even has some New Agers in its ranks, yet many undiscerning or uninformed professing believers are supporting, praising, and participating in it.

A.D. 2000 복음화 운동은 에큐메니칼 운동이며 뉴에이지 인물들이 포함되어 있습니다.


This unscriptural evangelism movement includes Roman Catholics, Orthodox, Charismatics, Pentecostals, and Protestants of all kinds.

이 비성경적인 운동에는 로마 카톨릭, 은사주의, 오순절 계통이 포함되어 있습니다.


YWAM's leadership, including both Loren Cunningham and Joy Dawson, have been on the Benny Hinn "This Is Your Day" show in endorsement of his ministry, pledging to work with him.

로렌 커닝햄과 조이 도우슨을 포함한 YWAM의 리더들은 베니 힌을 지지하였고

베니 힌과 함께 사역하기로 서약하였습니다.


Joy Dawson flew to Hawaii with Hinn for his 2002 crusade, and stood on stage with Hinn promising that YWAM would work with Hinn to evangelize the youth of the islands.

2002년에 조이 도우슨은 하와이에서 베니 힌과 같은 강단에 서서

베니 힌과 함께 사역할 것을 약속하였습니다.


Local YWAM leadership in Hawaii is now responsible to implement Hinn's future crusades in Hawaii, and YWAM will be helping Hinn all over the world.

하와이에 있는 YWAM 리더들은 하와이에서 베니 힌의 사역을 확실히 도와줄 것이며

YWAM은 전 세계에서 베니 힌을 도울 것입니다.


YWAM has been promoting heretical books by Third Wavers like Rick Joyner and Francis Frangepane, publishes books by George Otis, Jr. and C. Peter Wagner, and hands out many others all over the Hawaiian Islands to pastors and church leaders there.

YWAM은 릭 조이너, 조지 오티스, 피터 와그너의 이단적인 책을 추천하고 있습니다.


 YWAM is actively inviting people out of Biblical churches to go to Third Wave churches and events.

 In Micronesia, YWAM is actively proselytizing people from Evangelical churches to go to the Brownsville type church there, using false spiritual warfare techniques such as binding territorial demons, blowing shofars on mountain tops, getting the Holy Spirit by impartation and "through the mouth," going up to the hills with salt and water to "reconcile men with women in the culture," prayer walking, spiritual mapping, etc.

YWAM은 지역 귀신을 묶는 것, 땅 밝기 기도, 영적 지도 등과 같은 거짓된 영적 전쟁 기술을 사용하고 있습니다.



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