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[스크랩] 관상기도를 중심으로 모이는 세계의 종교들

by 디클레어 2009. 12. 18.


기독교인의 불교 선 모임


발췌 : www.innerexplorations.com/catew/2.htm





아기 예수를 안은 마리아와 부처






불교와 기독교의 합치의 출발점으로서 관상기도를 소개하는 책자





크리스챤 요가






Mass at Kurisumala


Mass at Shantivanam














힌두교와 카톨릭의 혼합 예배



관상기도를 통하여 기독교와 무슬림의 회합 


'Prayer as Meeting'

16/17th September 2006
York University
Organisers: The Christian Meditation Trust


This gathering of Muslims and Christians was a celebration and exploration of the experience and understanding of prayer. In common times of prayer – silent and verbal – we will learn from and with each other of how we pray and why. Central to this event was the transformative quality of the Remembrance of God (dhikr) and Contemplative Prayer (meditation). In dialogue and friendship we entered into the worship of God. The aim of the meeting was to bring together the contemplative traditions of Islam and Christianity in a spirit of enquiry and mutual respect. It was hoped that the contact that would be made during these days through contemplative prayer will be maintained, not just at a scholarly level, but also between Muslim communities and Christian meditation groups wherever they live side by side.


무슬림과 기독교인들의 이모임은 기도의 이해와 체험을 탐구하려는 것이었다. 보통의 기도 시간 - 침묵과 소리내어하는 기도- 속에서 우리는 어떻게 기도하며 왜 기도하는지에 관하여 배웠다. 이 행사의 중심 과제는 신의 회상에 관한 변혁적 성격에 관한 것과 관상기도 ( 명상 ) 에 관한 것이었다. 대화와 우의 속에서 우리는 신에 대한 경배속으로 들어갔다. 이 모임의 목적은 이슬람과 기독교의 명상적 전통을 함께 모으는 것이었으며 영적으로 서로에 대한 존경심을 갖는 것이었다. 관상기도를 통하여 이 회합의 기간동안 이뤄진 교감은 지속될 것이며 이것은 단순히 학술적인 차원의 것이 아니라 그들이 사는 공동체속에서 무슬림과 기독교인이 만나는 어디든지 가능할 것이다.




The speakers included Dr Musharaf Hussain, Chairman of the Kirimia Institute and Director of the Nottingham Islamia School and President of the Christian Muslim Forum; Father Laurence Freeman OSB, a Benedictine monk and Spiritual Director of The World Community for Christian Meditation; Dr Reza Shah-Kazemi, author of ‘Paths of Transcendence: Shankara, Ibn Arabi and Meister Eckhart on Transcendent Spiritual realization’ and ‘Doctrines of Shi’a Islam’; Rev Deborah Holmyard, an Anglican priest and member of The World Community for Christian Meditation.

The Meeting also included workshops such as Living Islam in Britain led by Wahida Shaffi and Mushtaq Ghani – which enabled mostly non-Muslim participants to have an opportunity to explore their own perceptions of Islam and Muslims and the many challenges facing communities. We also had an opportunity to observe a panel of young Muslims and Christians discussing contemplative prayer and the way forward together. This provided the audience with a unique insight into young people’s lives and how they incorporate prayer into their daily lives.




Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Dalai Lama at Blackfriars

달라이 라마 불교-카톨릭 관상기도에 관한 대담 모임을 가지다.


Having already hosted Cardinal Walter Kasper this term, Blackfriars received another distinguished visitor in the person of the Dalai Lama who came to take part in a colloquium on 'Christian and Buddhist Contemplative Prayer'.

The Monk and the Friar

The proceedings were opened by Fr Paul Murray, an Irish Dominican who lectures at the Angelicum in Rome. He spoke about contemplative prayer in the Dominican tradition, drawing in particular on the writings of three of the Order's great spiritual teachers, John Tauler, Catherine of Siena and Meister Eckhart. The difficulties of the 14th century, in which these three lived, reflect our own difficulties in many ways, he said, and their experience of and teaching about contemplative prayer can lead us also to compassion and service. ( ............................이들 세분이 살았던 14세기의 난관들은 여러가지 면에서 오늘날 우리에게 직면한 난관들과 같으며, 그들의 관상기도에 대한 가르침과 체험은 우리를 긍휼과 봉사로 이끌어 갈 것이다. )


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